In a startling turn of events, the New York Times forfeited its prestigious “gold” emblem on its Twitter account this past Sunday, when entrepreneur Elon Musk launched a scathing critique against the renowned publication, labeling it as “propaganda.” Twitter’s recent policy alterations decree that organizations can request a new “gold” insignia, while individuals must part with their hard-earned cash for a Twitter Blue membership.

The New York Times has articulated its reluctance to expend a recurring fee for procuring a verified check mark on the popular social media platform. An emissary for the esteemed newspaper communicated this decision mere hours after the verified badge had vanished. Furthermore, the organization will abstain from covering the expenses of individual journalists’ Twitter Blue personal accounts.

“Under extraordinary circumstances where obtaining this status is indispensable for reporting objectives, we may consider reimbursing journalists for Twitter Blue on their personal accounts,” added the representative.

A few weeks prior, Twitter unveiled its intention to revoke check marks from numerous accounts commencing April 1, as the social media giant planned to dismantle its traditional verification program.

The Twitter CEO, Elon Musk, excoriated the New York Times on Sunday, condemning their refusal to participate in the paid verification initiative, and declared this policy would extend to all publications.

Under Musk’s innovative system, the New York Times, along with a myriad of businesses and philanthropic organizations, had previously lost its iconic blue checkmark, subsequently acquiring a gold verification tick as a verified business account.

By William Jackson

William Jackson is the prime editor and founder of Champion Insiders, He have 5 years of experience as senior editor and 12 years of Expereince as a journalist, William also worked for Mashable and Times Now. Email US:

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